Talkings & Writings

That Explore Blocks

to Inner Peace

Exploring Blocks to Inner Peace

Inner Peace is Possible

Inner Peace is Possible

Inner Peace is Possible We wake up every single day, and we strive to lead our lives as best we can, but most of us lead our lives unconsciously; by that, I mean we do things in a non-thinking way of being not really mindful, so when challenges arise, in the course of...

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A Bit O’Peace

A Bit O’Peace

Teachers & Gurus I connected with a teacher in the early part of my "call of the heart" journey for a massive bunch of lessons.   I had found a community of like minded people.  I had found acceptance and love.  I had found respect for who I thought I was.   I had...

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My Alchemical Spiritual Journey

My Alchemical Spiritual Journey

This article was drawn from a paper I wrote in 2006 for a PHD program. Introduction  Most people begin their spiritual journey by picking a book from a shelf, or a loved one dies, triggering the cosmic questions of life and death, or a crisis of life pain challenges...

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Leaning In

Leaning In

In this video Valeria describes a method of amping up the energy of a contraction and then transmuting it with Remen Q.  Some people may be triggered by this video.  If you are triggered use Remen Q̅ to take back your peace. A few days ago, I was in the process of...

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My Two Cents

My Two Cents

Dear Fellow Journeyer, There are a lot of misconceptions floating around out there.    Over the last 50+ years I have been taught concepts and practices that were incorrect and could be harmful to others.  The information below is a few of those things that I perceive...

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COVID, Hopi Prophecy and Technology

COVID, Hopi Prophecy and Technology

In 2020, I participated in weekly Shamanic drumming journies led by a Shamanic teacher.   She would give us journey assignments.  One particular journey would leave a lasting impression on me.  We were to journey 50 years into the future in our area.  When I landed 50...

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Psychic Energies, Abilities and Protocol

Psychic Energies, Abilities and Protocol

Psychic Abilities Psychic – a person who perceives information hidden from the normal senses. This is a list of alleged psychic abilities that have been attributed to real-world people. Many of these abilities are also known as extrasensory perception or sixth sense....

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Paradigm Shift from Victim to Creator

Paradigm Shift from Victim to Creator

By Leroy Malouf, published on this blog 2021/09/28 From my first book, “Knowing and Living Your Purpose”© Chapter 3 – HOW DID I GET HERE–THIS LIFE…THIS BODY? In my early forties, I was thinking about how I came to be in this body and in this life. I believed that God...

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How do You find Peace in the Midst of Chaos

How do You find Peace in the Midst of Chaos

There is No Question the World is in Chaos One of the frequently asked questions that I receive is 'how do you find inner peace in the midst of chaos?'   The world today, as you know, is fraught with political chaos, a global pandemic, climate catastrophes and...

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The Wounded Creative Core Stops Creativity

The Wounded Creative Core Stops Creativity

The Wounding Starts at Birth Early in your life, the process began to control your behavior within education, family, government, community, and religious institutions. If you violated the expectations of those institutions, you could depend on receiving a punishment....

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Does Remen Q Create a Bypass?

Does Remen Q Create a Bypass?

Does Remen Q̅ create a bypass? Remen Q̅ works in the moment and if you choose provides a long term approach to working through the emotional wounding that causes our hearts to contract and our bodies to hurt. You are not abrogating responsibility to someone else. You...

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Transmuting Burnout

Transmuting Burnout

  This article refers to the Remen Q̅ Method as a starting place and 'a way' in transmuting burnout from a place of non-peace to peace.  The Remen Q̅ Method is a quick do-it-yourself method of achieving inner peace.  Remen Q̅ works in the moment, but if you intend to...

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The Enslavement Energy of Sugar

The Enslavement Energy of Sugar

  In mid-2021, I conceived of an article focused on the judgment and the consequential emotional wounding that results from sugar.  I shelved the idea for a later time as I was publishing the Remen Q̅ book and building the infrastructure around that publication.  Then...

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The Wound of Forced Forgiveness & Apology

The Wound of Forced Forgiveness & Apology

"You MUST forgive." or "Now, say you're sorry."   The Wound of Forced Forgiveness and Apology   These were the words that I started hearing very early in my childhood.  The offender was usually my brother.  He would have taken one of my toys or hit me.  My...

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valeria moore


Get a cup of coffee or tea and spend some time with the essays I and my guest authors have written.  If there is resonance, the essays will foster your next level of personal growth by exploring blocks to inner peace.  Future essays will explore the meta-states such as jealousy, betrayal, victim identity, grief, shame, guilt, etc.  Fears, created patterns and emotional states make meta-states.  These meta-states hold the wounds that block the flow of life energy in our lives.

When I write any of the material for this blog or Emotional Patterns (formerly Healer Wisdom), I lean into the material.  That means I connect with my writing at a very personal and profound level.  Some of the writing caused me to pause and explore my wounding around the topic. For example, the “Burnout” article was supposed to take me one day; I spent more than a week writing the article as I worked through the wounding I held.  That article is deeply personal, and I struggled with just how much I should share. One of my beta readers commented that I need to give the readers more background, so I did and I will. As I lean into and write this material for my readers and their journey of transmutation, I also know that I am transmuting myself.


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