Remen Q̅ Script – Right Eye Cataract – feeling like nothing

Recently, I started the journey of having new lenses implanted due to cataracts.  After the surgery I looked up what I had written over 10 years ago about cataracts in the Emotional Patterns database.  The last emotional state resonated.   I started the process by asking myself “do I feel like nothing”?    My inner critic responded quickly with a “yes and you are nothing”.  My heart contracted and the feeling was very old.  I have been doing this for a long time.  For a long time I have been numb to the intensity of that pain.  My shoulders and neck tightened as I began the Remen Q̅.  I do two separate rounds of breathing just to be more comfortable.

Right Eye Cataract Emotional State from Emotional Patterns

  • Long held ideas of being nothing have created a feeling of stagnation.  Nothing is going to change and nothing can be seen that would change it.  A feeling that they have been up against an incredible and overwhelming power and control that they cannot be present in.  The very existence produces fear and they look down to exist in the energy of that control and fear.


Breathe into presence X2

  • First Remen Q̅:  A little kid is running (escaping) from someone with stick.  They are in an old hospital ward of cots, possibly war situation.  They escape by hiding under the cots.

Body check-in: A lightness envelops my body.  Heart feels neutral, still.  There’s a tension in shoulders and neck.

  • Second Remen Q̅: Ancestral DNA method.  DNA was in shades of grey with snow with what looked like snow on rails.  At the neutralization the DNA pulled up from below, turned inside out and exploded.

Body check-in: Heart is calm, shoulders a bit less stressed.  Asked if there is more and heard “yes”.

  • Third Remen Q̅: Cast away as a sacrifice to save others.  Found by a strangerand saved.  Had been clawed by an animal.

Body check-in: Heart is much lighter.  Shoulders indicate more work is needed.

  • Fourth Remen Q̅: At this point I start asking questions.  I moved my awareness into my shoulders and ask what is held there.  I hear “Lack of support.  If you are nothing, you don’t get support”.  At the origin vision I am being beaten and none will help.

Body check-in: Heart is neutral and clear.  Shoulders feel no stress but I sense that there is more to be worked.

  • Fifth Remen Q̅: Origin image and feelings: There is a heaviness around the base of my neck, like a heavy collar, a heavy burden that is choking me.

Body check-in: After energy quit moving through, a feeling of sleepiness takes over.  My shoulders drop.

  • Sixth Remen Q̅: Origin image and feelings: Pretending to be asleep, avoid confrontation and possible abuse…feigned death.

Body check-in: Heart is calm and clear.  I am relaxed and the sleepiness has lifted.

At this point I got up and left the room where I had been working.  It was nap time.  As I laid down I sensed that another round of Remen Q̅ was needed and I set the intention to remember what had been the experience.  When I got up from the nap all memory of what I had experienced was gone.




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