Alchemy of the Third Eye and the Pineal Gland Book cover

This Book Provides:

  • Transmutation tools for a sustained and consistent Inner Peace Journey
  • Practical exercises and advice for developing your intuition
  • Practical methods for pineal gland detoxification
  • The Remen Q̅ process – an easy method of shifting non-peace to peace
  • Remen Q̅ Session examples
  • An explanation of the third eye chakra’s* role in our intuition and wellness
  • An exploration of the stages of intuition development and the emotional patterns that can cause you to get stuck
  • An exploration of a wounded empath and the wounded intuitive and related emotional states
  • A physiological description of the pineal gland
  • A deep dive into the limiting patterns known as Emotional Pathophysiology (See the Glossary)
  • An exploration of the emotional states of diseases of the pineal gland and diseases associated with low melatonin levels, i.e., pineal gland impairment
  • Resources for facilitating your Inner Peace Journey

Table of Contents


Part I: Tools and Guides for Healing Your Intuition

Chapter 1: How to Use This Book
Chapter 2: Grounding
Chapter 3: The Wording and Source of Emotional States

The Wording of Emotional Patterns
The Source of Emotional Patterns

Chapter 4: The Work
Chapter 5: Remen Q̅

Remen Q̅ Introduction
The Remen Q̅ Process
IONS (A Shortcut)
Website Link
Subtle Energy Body and Remen Q̅
The Remen Q̅ Contradiction

Chapter 6: Remen Q̅ Session Script Examples

The Remen Q̅ Session with Leaning-In and the Source is Unknown
The Remen Q̅ Session Without Leaning-In
The Remen Q̅ Session with Leaning-In and the Source is Known
The Remen Q̅ Session with Ancestral Method, Leaning-In and the Source is Unknown

Part II: Metaphysical Exploration of the Third Eye Chakra

Chapter 7: The Third Eye
Chapter 8: Developing Your Intuition

Awareness Exercises
Develop Calmness
Intuitive Question Process
Helpful Hints

Chapter 9: The Stages of Intuition Development

Survival Stage
Creation Stage
Dancing with the Ego

Chapter 10: The Clairs

Clair Wounding

Chapter 11: The Wounded Intuitive

Symptoms of a Wounded Intuitive
Emotional Patterns: The Wounded Intuitive
Blocks to Intuition

Chapter 12: Pineal Gland Wellness and Third Eye Activation

Supporting Pineal Gland Wellness
How Do You Know if Your Third Eye is Opening and Activated?



Body Scans
Emotional Patterns
Grounding Meditation

About the Author
Contacting Valeria and Additional Support


Appendix A: About the Pineal Gland

What and Where is the Pineal Gland?
What Does the Pineal Gland Do?
Working with Emotional Patterns and Emotional Pathophysiology

Appendix B: Physical Diseases, Disorders and the Associated Emotional Patterns of the Pineal Gland

Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder (ASPD)
Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder(DSPD)
Fluoride Toxicity
Pineal Gland Calcification
Pineal Gland Cysts
Pineal Gland Tumor
Seasonal Affective Disorder

Appendix C: Physical Diseases and Disorders Associated with an Impaired Pineal Gland and the Emotional Patterns

Alzheimer’s Disease
Depression with a History of Abuse
Huntington’s Disease
Insulin Resistance
Motor neuron disease (ALS)
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Sexual dysfunction (as it pertains to the pineal gland)

Appendix D: Physiology and Emotional Pathophysiology of the Pineal Gland

Function: Regulates the Circadian Rhythm and Sleep Cycles
Emotional Pathophysiology: Dysregulated Circadian Rhythm and Sleep Cycles Related to Low Melatonin
Function: Strengthens the Immune System
Emotional Pathophysiology: A Weakened Immune System Related to Low Melatonin
Function: Crucial for Reducing the Risk of Cancer
Emotional Pathophysiology: Elevated Risk of Cancer Because of Low Melatonin
Function: Melatonin Increases Bone Regeneration
Emotional Pathophysiology: Decreased Bone Regeneration Because of Low Melatonin
Function: Protecting Against Oxidative Stress
Emotional Pathophysiology: Impaired Protection Against Oxidative Stress Because of Low Melatonin
Function: Improves Neurogenesis and Synaptic Plasticity
Emotional Pathophysiology: Impaired Neurogenesis and Synaptic Plasticity Because of Low Melatonin
Function: Suppressing Neuroinflammation
Emotional Pathophysiology: Impaired Neuroinflammation Suppression Because of Low Melatonin
Function: Modulates the Immune Response
Emotional Pathophysiology: Unmodulated Immune Response Because of Low Melatonin
Function: Enhancing Memory Function
Emotional Pathophysiology: Impaired Memory Function Because of Low Melatonin
Function: Plays a Role in Spatial Navigation
Emotional Pathophysiology: Impaired Spatial Navigation
Function: Controlling the Timing and Release of Female and Male Reproductive Hormones
Emotional Pathophysiology: Dysregulated Timing and Release of Female and Male Reproductive Hormones
Function: Restores the body
Emotional Pathophysiology: Lack of Body Restoration Because of Low Melatonin
Function: Regulation of the Pituitary Gland
Emotional Pathophysiology: Dysregulated Pituitary Gland Because of Low Melatonin
Function: Glucose Homeostasis and Energy Balance
Emotional Pathophysiology: Unbalanced Glucose Homeostasis and Energy Due to Low Melatonin
Function: DNA Repair
Emotional Pathophysiology: Impaired DNA Repair Due to Low Melatonin

Now Available on Amazon

Alchemy of the Third Eye and Pineal Gland: Healing Your Intuition

Special Roll Out Pricing: $16.45 USD

Good until November 17,2024 and then the price increases to $23.50.

ISBN 978-1-7271275-5-0

Opening the third eye is a sacred process.  You will receive wisdom beyond the mundane when the third eye is open.  You must travel the sacred journey to inner peace to ‘know’ without filters, to ‘know’ with understanding, to ‘know’ with compassion, to ‘know’ peace, and to ‘know’ the unity of the one heart.  ~Alchemy of the Third Eye and Pineal Gland

The Inner Peace Journey requires knowing and insight.  The insights of a higher knowing will facilitate the development of understanding, more profound compassion and a heart at peace.

Have you experienced:

  • Spending hundreds and maybe thousands of dollars on manifesting classes, and the only thing you manifested was a reduced bank account and frustration?
  • Trouble sleeping?
  • Vision problems or sinus problems?
  • Feeling overwhelmed when you go into a store with many people?
  • Feeling life has no magic or joy?
  • Do you suffer from migraines?
  • Feeling your life has yet to realize a purpose?
  • Feeling lost? Feeling stuck?
  • Is it easier for you to give than receive? Or you can’t give or receive?
  • Sensing the feelings of others and making them your own?
  • Are you seen as having shortcomings?
  • Spending hundreds and maybe thousands of dollars on manifesting classes, and the only thing you manifested was a reduced bank account and frustration?
  • Trouble sleeping?
  • Vision problems or sinus problems?
  • Feeling overwhelmed when you go into a store with many people?
  • Feeling life has no magic or joy?
  • Do you suffer from migraines?
  • Feeling your life has yet to realize a purpose?
  • Feeling lost? Feeling stuck?
  • Is it easier for you to give than receive? Or you can’t give or receive?
  • Sensing the feelings of others and making them your own?
  • Are you seen as having shortcomings?
  • Unable to make timely business decisions?
  • Rigid, parental or ancestral thinking?
  • Difficulty solving problems?
  • Quickly drop into thinking the worst outcomes will happen?
  • Impaired creativity?
  • Often misled by perceptions?
  • Tendency to shift easily into states of non-peace?
  • Trouble completing personal projects?
  • Mistrusting your inner voice?
  • Stuck in the creative process?
  • Trouble making business decisions?
  • Facing repeated undesired situations?
  • Facing repeated undesired relationships?
  • Unable to turn the inner chatter off?

If you resonate with one or more of the questions above, your third eye chakra may be out of balance, and the pineal gland may be physically impaired.  Your capacity for receiving or giving may reflect an out-of-balance pineal gland.  The balance of giving and receiving reflects the flow of life force.  Resistance to the flow of life force will affect the flow of money, the ability to manifest, physical and emotional renewal, experiencing joy, and more.

In Alchemy of the Third Eye and Pineal Gland book Valeria provides you with exercises and the limiting patterns to open the third eye and begin the detox of the pineal gland.  This is an important first step on your journey to inner peace and opening the third eye.  The inner peace journey requires knowing and insight.  The insights of a higher knowing will facilitate the development of understanding, more profound compassion and a joyful heart at peace.

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